six-seater Pacific Wings flight to Moloka'i.
Finished up my Mastery Certifica- tion today. An incredible experience!This is the deadwood I'm leaving behind. Mau'i agreed to take care of it for me.
Now I'm doing laundry and getting ready for phase two of the 2010 Hawai'ian journey - a week in Moloka'i with my dear friend, Cathy, from Cincinnati. We're going to celebrate her sixtieth birthday together. I'm not sure she wanted me to tell her age but when number sixty-six is coming up, sixty is just a baby. Get over it already! Here we are about six years ago in Mau'i together.
I'm also remembering fondly the lovely 60th birthday party Marc had for me on the fourth floor deck of Kona Plaza, the Big Island. It was magical to turn sixty in Hawai'i. And last year it was magical to turn 65 in Costa Rica. And this year it will be magical turning over the keys to my condo in Boulder and heading off to Kentucky on my birthday.
There's really nothing else to say about my time in Mau'i. It was everything and more than I needed right now and yet it was not what I expected it to be. Isn't that the way it always is?
The morning on Haleakala Mountain was magical, mystical, and mysterious.
The side trips a pure delight!
The trees magnificent and wise whether still sporting their leaves or not.
I wrote this poem in January 2007, one of my first. It bears repeating because I recognize that now that I've found my voice, it's time for me to move beyond my story. Go figure!
Ordinary Ascension
I am ascending mass consciousness. This I know to be true.
I am an ordinary person like you and you and you.
There are no great masters that I am channeling.
I waited for it and hoped, but it isn’t happening.
No great voices through me are heard
I am as ordinary as a bird.
For on myself I must rely
to discern information that others supply.
Yet within my heart I know it is true.
I am ascending to a space that is brand new.
I know because worldly things no longer matter
the way they once did. The past now does scatter.
Even more than letting go of the past,
there isn’t a future goal I can make last.
All that exists for me is only today.
This minute, right now, and even that goes away.
On what and on whom can I now rely?
As I sit in my world out on my lanai.
I feel alone and desire to let others in.
They come, they go. We talk and we grin.
Yet, something is missing. It’s different; it feels dark.
My connection with others is missing its spark.
I awaken and wonder, “How will I pass this new day?”
I read many books in hopes of connecting in that way.
And all the while, my very own Spirit cries out:
I’m here right inside you. Stop looking without.
It’s perfectly okay to sit quietly on the lanai
gaze at green trees, blue ocean and a most beautiful sky.
Sit quietly. Do nothing and let me fully come in.
Throw comparisons of new life with old into the dust bin.
It is right and appropriate to sit and stare
at dozens of butterflies gracing the air.
This is who you truly are. Only your mind doesn’t like it.
“How can you enjoy a beautiful day when you do nothing but sit.”
Everyone else is out and about earning their living.
They take time to enjoy only when they are no longer giving.”
Then they’re so tired only the sitting feels good.
Never noticing the breeze and the sky - only the ‘shoulds’
Believe it or not, this is what you think you are missing.
Time spent with people - even though they are dissing.
Alone time is a rare gift. Receive it. Enjoy it with a bow.
Recite daily, “I AM doing what I AM, right here, and right now”
Each moment you fully enjoy this gift of pleasure
Your heart ascends to accept its new treasure.
You are not lazy, nor selfish, nor spoiled.
These thoughts are old and will keep you soiled.
You are ascending along with many others.
All ordinary people - ALL your sisters and brothers.
This time alone is needed for you to become secure
in following your guidance and know that it’s pure.
Follow your heart each day and each night.
Surrender to the Higher Mind. Feel ITS great light.
Ordinary ascension is the feat that you chose -
to discover if this lifetime your vibration actually arose.
You believed you had it in you to ascend.
You promised to hear the whispers of your soul as they lend
you the tools and support from the Guides and the Masters
keeping you on track and away from disasters.
Your willingness to ascend in the ordinary way
creates a clear path for others so that they will stay
and rise above the temptation to give up and fall.
They’ll see other ordinary people were tempted and stood tall.
And they will start on the road to ascension,
raising their vibration along the way we should mention.
Your pioneering spirit will have left clear and visible signs
to show others the way to receive the Fruit of the Vine.
So today sit quietly and revel without glory.
The time will come for you to tell your own story.
And tell it you will both day and into the night
for through the darkness does shine the bright light.
Analahoe 1-30-07
A Hui Hou, Mau'i!
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