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Monday, June 14, 2010

The Road Between

Yes, today I made it all the way to Makawao, but what I discovered (once again) is that for me it's never really about the destination.  It's all about the journey.  The drive to Makawao was a lot of traffic.  Makawao is a one street cowboy town turned artist mecca and boutique.  I take a stroll up and down, look at things I'm not really interested in.  Enjoy the art but recently I've been so into Michaelangelo and Carrara marble  because of the upcoming trip to Italy that the paintings don't jump out.  They're really great.  Just not me right now. 

I remember seeing a town named Haiku on the map that looks to be connected by roads to Makawao.  I'm just curious to see what a town named Haiku looks like.  "Excuse me. How do I get to Haiku from here?" I ask a local in Makawao. "Go makai at the intersection of Baldwin and Pi'iholo Road" is the reply.  (Only in Hawai'i can there be an intersection with those two names.)  I know that makai means 'toward the ocean.'  And still I get lost. 

There's something about narrow, winding roads that magnetize me down them even when I know it's probably not the road I want. Luckily for me, being lost is one of my favorite things to do when traveling.  And it's much more fun than following the trail of cars on the highways. 

And since I was trying to get to Haiku, here's my attempt at Haiku.

"Driving to Haiku
Lost and alone on the road
Beauty softly speaks"

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